A little tour of activities near your residence in July !!

  • 6 juin 2021
Résidence de tourisme à Foix

We offer you a small tour of activities, events near your residence for the month of July to come. Accompanying you to make your stay a reality is also our mission ! 

Here is a brief overview of the July 2021 agenda : 

 Visit to the World of Bees (July 1,8,22 and 29, 2021) : https://www.pyrenees-ariegeoises.com/a-voir-afaire/sortie/agenda/visit-ommentee-du-monde-des-abeilles-le-rucher-du-montcalm-2823389

 Murder Party cluedo-type investigation games at €29 per person on July 9, 2021 : http://www.foix-tourisme.com/foix/murder-party/tabid/3503/offreid/d4ee7d61-0b92-4c49-82e3-6bdcdd07dfab

 Rally for rescue vehicles and security in Foix on 18 July 2021 : http://foixmotorsshow.e-monsite.com

 Jazz Festival from 27/07 to 31/07 2021 : http://www.foix-tourisme.com/foix/festival-jazz-a-foix/tabid/3503/offreid/ae11a1bc-29ad-4e89-9702-0a431e2d964e

 Spéctacles de Grands chemins en Hautes Ariège (spéctacle de rue) From 27 to 31 July : https://www.pyrenees-ariegeoises.com/a-voir-a-faire/sortir/agenda/spectacles-de-grands-chemins-en-haute-ariege-864236

And many more Ballads, sports and discoveries accesses that we will not fail to advise you during your stay ! 

There’s something for everyone !! So don’t hesitate, join us !